Amulet recognizes commands, but accuracy is poor PDF Print E-mail

Here are some tips to improve overall accuracy:

Make sure you speak clearly and precisely; imagine you are a newsreader reading the evening news, or a radio announcer.

Leave a slight pause before and after commands.

Remember to lower the remote when you are not talking; this blocks any ambient background noise that can interfere with the speech recognition.

Amulet's speech recognizer trains itself to match your voice over time, so the more you use the system, the more accurate it will become. If you regularly use Amulet in a very noisy environment, you can turn off learning mode to prevent Amulet "learning" background noise as valid commands, over time. See the Amulet Settings section for more information.

If Amulet often misinterprets what you say, you may be operating in a particularly noisy environment. You can configure a command prefix word, such as COMPUTER or AMULET on the Amulet Settings page. All valid commands must then begin with this prefix word, which makes it easier for Amulet to ignore nonsense input and improves overall accuracy. (This is usually only required in rare circumstances.)

If several people in your household share an Amulet remote, and have very different voices, you may wish to give each user their own speech profile. See the Working with Speech Profiles section of the User Guide for more information about this.