Amulet Devices Voice Remote for Windows Media Center

Amulet Devices Blog

Final packing

Fri, July 23, 2010 by

We are just finalizing the packaging for our Voice Remote for Microsoft Media Center. It contains the remote control, battery, USB receiver dongle, USB charging cable, Plugin software CD, installation guide and quick reference guide. All the pieces for our Media Center accessory!

The battery is shipped with a charge but not installed in the remote, so as to arrive usable right from the start; you may want to charge it as soon as convenient. The remote control has a mini-USB socket on the bottom for charging.

The USB receiver dongle should be plugged into the Media Center PC. It has a blue LED inside which indicates when it is connected to the remote control.

The CD contains the Addon for Microsoft Windows Media Center. It’s compatible with Vista and Windows 7, and auto-detects 32-bit and 64-bit versions. It’s best to install the software outside of Media Center.

The Quick Reference guide is a useful listing of most of the Voice Commands. You should keep it handy, but all of the regular commands are easy to remember.

There is a full User Guide on the CD, which is installed on the Media Center. You can find it under Amulet Devices on the Windows Start Menu, or view it directly from the CD on any other convenient PC.

The Installation Guide is there to walk you through the setup and your first Voice Commands.

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