Amulet Devices Voice Remote for Windows Media Center

Amulet Devices Blog

Archive for July, 2014

Amulet Software Release 4.1

Thu, July 17, 2014 by

If you’re a My Movies user, you probably noticed the release of My Movies 5 recently. This is a major upgrade to My Movies 4, with many new features, and well worth installing if you’re a regular user.

Inevitably, some of these changes conflicted with Amulet’s My Movies plug-in, preventing voice control from working correctly with version 5. We’ve now corrected this, and have released an updated version of Amulet’s Media Centre software that is fully compatible with My Movies 5.

  Amulet Release 4.01.02 (32-bit version)
  Amulet Release 4.01.02 (64-bit version)


Windows Desktop Error Dialog

We took the opportunity to introduce another useful feature also. We’ve noticed that sometimes, third-party plug-ins can cause Media Center to crash for reasons beyond our control, in a way that produces a desktop error dialog similar to this one:

This is awkward to dismiss, since Windows won’t let you select any of the options using just the remote control — you need to connect a mouse or keyboard, or simply power-cycle your HTPC.

We’ve now introduced a new setting in Amulet Settings / Diagnostics which allows you to disable this desktop requester; instead, any programs crashing will silently crash back to the desktop, where you can simply restart Media Centre by pressing the green button. Details of the crash are still available in the system event log as usual.

(If you’re wondering what this setting actually does, it simply sets the registry setting \Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\DontShowUI to the value 1, under both Local Machine and Current User.)

As usual, we’re interested in your feedback on this release. Please contribute to the discussion in our user forums.

Now shipping to UK & Europe

If you haven’t visited for a while, you may not know that we’re now shipping Amulet Voice Remotes to the UK and Europe from our European base in Dublin. Shipping takes 2-3 business days from the time you place your order. While we still take payment in US dollars, this works out at about £40 for UK customers and €50 for European customers, with an additional £9 (€10) for shipping. Visit our online shop to place an order.